
CNN, News, Symbol 1
CNN is proving once again with its coverage of Malaysian Flight 370 that CNN does not care if their information is accurate as long as they report it first. On the CNN website the Malaysian Flight 370 has been “Breaking News” for two weeks now. Two weeks!  We understand that […]

CNN Made up News

[Aircraft Interiors] European low-cost airline Norwegian Air Shuttle is expanding its intercontinental route structure as it takes delivery of new Boeing 787 Dreamliners. On September 3 the carrier, based in Fornebu, Norway, announced service to three new destinations in the U.S., scheduled to start next spring. It plans to use the […]

Norwegian Air Shuttle Adds 787s, Long-Haul Routes

[WSJ] Airlines offer no-crying sections Seating devoid of screaming babies — for a fee Airplane seats are only slightly more pleasant than dentist’s chairs: There’s no elbow room, your knees end up pressed against your chest, and someone inevitably opens a tub of steaming, stinky food. And then the real […]

Airlines offer no-crying sections

[WSJ] Southeast Asian currencies tumbled again on Thursday, with several falling to multi-year lows as investors flee riskier emerging-market assets. The Philippine peso, Singapore dollar and Thai baht all hit new long-term lows, while the Indonesian rupiah touched 11,000 against the U.S. dollar for the first time since the aftermath […]

Southeast Asian Currencies Tumble

WHETHER you’re the person who gives the airline amenity kit a cursory rummage before stowing it away or you drool over deluxe eye masks and luxury cosmetics, the first class amenity kit is an essential part of luxury flying. Amenity kits promote the airline’s brand image as well as promoting […]

The Best First Class Amenity Kits

Taxi Share
Airplane Etiquette is very important to some, but not to others.  It may be culture differences clashing in an enclosed capsule. On longer flights I personally tend to notice little things if they persist for the duration of a flight.  Things that can drive me mad! First, even before boarding […]

Airplane Etiquette

Cathay Pacific
Cathay Pacific Airways posted on Social Media today that they are adding a new route. They left a clue of 4 photos stating that it will be to one of these locations. It will be with a 777-ER which is a long range aircraft. One of the locations in the […]

Cathay Pacific is set to Announce New Route

U.S. State Department Issues a Global Travel Alert             The U.S. State Department has issued a Global Travel Alert.  The U.S. State Department has noted  increased concerns of an attack at the end of Ramadan or from now until the end of August.  The attacks could be on embassy’s or […]

U.S. State Department Issues a Global Travel Alert